Prayer for Health

Let us pray together:

Lord Jesus, I need a touch in my body. I am not feeling well. Doctors’ medicine is not helping me. I need a supernatural touch.

Jesus, you said, “They who are whole need not a physician, but they who are sick.” [Matthew 9:12]

Lord I need you, the Great Physician, to heal me. The Word of God says, “with your stripes we are healed. [Isaiah 53:5]

Jesus, you died on the cross not only to bring forgiveness for our sins, but also to bring healing to our bodies. I need your healing now.

The Bible says that when the multitude of people found out where you were they sought you out, they followed after you, and you spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed them who had need of healing. [Luke 9:11]

Yes, you healed all those who had need of healing…all those who followed after you.
Lord, this day I want to be a follower of you. Teach me to be a follower of you. And then heal me because I have need of healing.

The Bible says that Jesus went about doing good, and healing all those who were oppressed by the devil; oppressed by spirits of infirmity, oppressed with all kinds of infirmities. [Acts 10:38]

Great Physician, Great Physician, the one who went about doing good, and healing all those who were oppressed by spirits of infirmity, oppressed with all kinds of sicknesses, heal me now, in Jesus name, Amen.